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Scams & Fraud

AARP is committed to keeping your finances safe from fraud this tax season. Before filing your tax returns, take a look at some tips and tricks to avoid scammers and keep your personal information protected:
Unfortunately, there are many who target those who have served our country.
As coronavirus scams multiply, DOJ issues tips to recognize and avoid them
Heads up! Over the weekend, a series of posts emerged on social media claiming that eligibility for financial relief checks related to the COVID-19 coronavirus would be determined by whether one has responded to the Census.
With 2020 Census Pending, Findings Show Many May Not Recognize Expected Census Scams
Check out this post from the FTC to learn tips that might keep the fraudsters at bay
October is Cyber Security Awareness Month!
Learn about ways to protect yourself and your loved ones at our free, two-part webinar.
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