Honoka’a residents Miles Okumura and Lynn Higashi have been selected by AARP, the nonprofit organization for people 50 and older, to receive the 2024 AARP Hawai`iAndrus Award for Community Service, the Association’s most prestigious and visible state volunteer award for community service.
The AARP Foundation is recruiting friendly and service-oriented people throughout Hawai`i to join its Tax-Aide volunteer team. Tax-Aide is the nation’s largest free, volunteer-based tax assistance and preparation program. During the 2024 tax season, almost 28,000 volunteers served over 1.7 million taxpayers. Tax-Aide participants saved more than $1.3 billion in refunds and credits.
With identity theft on the rise, AARP Hawaii will update islanders on how to protect themselves from the latest scams, from stealing mail to selling bogus coronavirus treatments.
IRS stimulus payments arriving as debit cards, rather than Treasury checks, are causing confusion among some recipients. The IRS mailed about 4 million prepaid debit cards, known as Economic Impact Payment or EIP cards, to people who did not provide electronic deposit information to the IRS.
Since the first widespread outbreak of the coronavirus in a nursing home in Seattle, it’s clear that long-term care facilities and residents who live there are the most vulnerable to the viral transmission. And since that first outbreak, about 11,000 deaths have been reported in long-term care facilities across the United States.
U.S. Senator Mazie K. Hirono will share information that could help caregivers and answer questions about the next federal stimulus bill and other legislation could affect Hawai`I at a Telephone Town Hall sponsored by AARP Hawai`i.
You might not be able to physically attend events, but AARP Hawaiʻi is hosting workshops virtually for you to stay connected! Below is a list of upcoming AARP Hawaiʻi Webinars that you can join for free. Topics include disaster planning, home improvements and brain health.
Starting this year, the state is moving toward an all-mail/absentee elections. The big change will be in effect for the Aug. 8 primary and the Nov. 3 general election.