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AARP AARP States Idaho Finances 50+

Who's Eligible for Property Tax Relief?


Many low-income homeowners in Idaho are leaving money on the table by failing to take advantage of a property-tax break. AARP research shows that fewer than half of those eligible for the state’s property-tax-reduction program actually apply for it.

AARP Idaho is working with the Idaho State Tax Commission to inform state residents about the program. For qualified applicants, property taxes on their home and up to one acre of land could be reduced by as much as $1,320.

Homeowners with annual income of up to $29,640 may be eligible if, as of Jan. 1, 2017, they were 65 or older, blind, disabled, widowed, or a former prisoner of war or hostage.

Applications are due at the county assessor’s office by April 18. For more information, contact any county assessor or call the Tax Commission at 800-334-7756.

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