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AARP AARP States Idaho Finances 50+

Don't Miss a Chance to Lower Your Taxes


Thousands of Idahoans who could lower their property tax bills are bypassing the opportunity. About 55,000 homeowners with less than $30,050 in annual income could qualify for the Circuit Breaker program, but barely half of them apply.

The AARP state office and the Idaho Tax Commission are working to raise awareness of the program and to spread the word about eligibility. Idahoans may qualify for a reduction of as much as $1,320 on their home and up to one acre of land if they meet the income limit and are in one of these categories: 65 or older, disabled, blind, widowed or a former prisoner of war.

The deadline to apply is April 17. Applicants need to provide proof of income and other eligibility requirements. For details and assistance, contact your county assessor’s office (listed with county offices in your phone book).

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