AARP Eye Center

AARP Chicago and community partners Alivio Medical Center, Casa Central, Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center, and Sinai Chicago invite caregivers to attend the 7th annual Caminando Juntos on Oct. 5 at Arturo Velasquez Institute, 2800 S. Western Blvd, Chicago. The only in-language conference of its kind (with English translation available), we offer speakers, resources and support for people caring for their loved ones in Chicago.
Caminando Juntos es una conferencia bilingüe gratuita para cuidadores, una persona que cuidan a un familiar de la tercera edad incluyendo sus padres, tíos o abuelos. Al participar en esta conferencia saldrá con información que le ayudara a planear el cuidado de su ser querido, participará en talleres de autocuidado para usted, y tendrá la oportunidad de platicar con otras personas que también están aprendido a navegar las complejas dinámicas familiares, el sistema de salud y los servicios de apoyo. La registración es recomendada pero no obligatoria.
Caminando Juntos is a free and bilingual conference for caregivers of senior in their family, whether it’s your parents, tíos, or abuelos. You will walk away with information about care planning for your loved one, self-care workshops for you, and engage in panel discussions from family caregivers like yourself who have learned how to navigate complex family dynamics and health care systems and support services. English translation provided. Registration is encouraged but not required.
Date & Time: Oct. 5th, 8:30 am – 1:00 pm
Location: Arturo Velasquez Institute, 2800 S. Western Ave. Chicago, IL. 60608
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