AARP Eye Center

For too long Illinois has been without a comprehensive, balanced budget that helps make life better for residents of all ages.
The impact of this impasse has been felt across the state: from college students to working families and from older residents to social service providers – every population group has been affected by increasingly depleted services.
AARP State Director, Bob Gallo, was a guest on Chicago TV station: WCIU-“You & Me This Morning” raising significant awareness about AARP Illinois ‘ Enough is Enough” campaign and prompt viewers to contact their elected officials and demand that they pass a balanced budget.
AARP Illinois is mobilizing citizens across Illinois and encourage them to hold elected officials – the Governor and the members of the General Assembly – accountable for the gridlock and to demand they find long-term solutions and pass a budget that restores the fiscal health of our state.
Take a look at what we have to say and that “Enough is Enough”