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AARP AARP States Illinois

AARP Illinois Demands Consumer Advocacy Groups Be Included in Ongoing Negotiations of Omnibus Energy Bill


June 16,  2021

AARP Illinois Demands Consumer Advocacy Groups Be Included in Ongoing Negotiations of Omnibus Energy Bill

As Illinois legislators meet with environmental groups and labor unions this week to discuss an omnibus energy bill, consumer advocates continue to be left out of these important discussions that could leave ratepayers facing the largest utility rate hikes in history.

“How can legislators pass a 900-page energy bill without any input from Illinois ratepayers?” said Bob Gallo, State Director of AARP Illinois. “Consumers and consumer advocates have been shut out of these discussions, where plans are being made that will raise their rates for a decade. Illinoisans are already millions of dollars behind on their utility bills due to failed ratemaking schemes and corrupt business practices that have resulted in record profits for utilities, and the proposed legislation appears to make matters much worse.”

While AARP Illinois supports policy that will move toward a renewable energy future, it must not come at the cost of affordability and reliability for Illinois customers – especially those on fixed incomes, many of whom struggle to pay their utility bills along with other household expenses like food and medicine.

On behalf of its 1.7 million members across the state, AARP Illinois implores the Illinois legislature to invite consumer advocacy groups to the table and ensure that any legislation:

  • Gives the Illinois Commerce Commission back its power to scrutinize rate increases, now that formula rates are set to expire. The proposed new ratemaking scheme is WORSE than formula rates, which were found to cost Illinois customers BILLIONS more on their utility bills, while utilities reported RECORD profits;
  • Stops additional nuclear bailouts for Exelon, beyond the $230 million bailout already collected annually, which would lead to even further unfair electricity rates for you and other unsuspecting consumers;
  • Puts a stop to ratepayer-funded “charitable contributions” by big utility companies that are actually giving away consumers’ money to make themselves seem benevolent; and
  • Enacts strict ethics reforms and enhance oversight on utilities to ensure greater transparency and accountability and prevent any further illegal actions employed by utility companies that would lead to more ill-gotten rate increases.

AARP Illinois will continue to fight for the voices of Illinois ratepayers to be heard and reflected in these critical discussions. Illinois ratepayers deserve a clear and fair look into how we will move forward to guarantee affordable and reliable clean energy sources for residents.

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