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AARP Illinois Money Smart Week Events

AARP Illinois is hosting workshops/events in these cities to promote financial literacy and security during the upcoming Money Smart Week. We are providing information and resources so that AARP Illinois members and friends can better manage their personal finances, now and into retirement. Don’t see something in your area? Let us know where you live and the topic you are interested in at – more workshops are coming in the summer and fall.

Couple sorting out bills
Getty Images/Onoky

Mind Your Money & Secure Your Financial Future

Thursday, April 3



Lockport Township Government Office

1463 S. Farrell Road

Lockport, IL 60441


RSVP: or 1-877-926-8300


Metro East Shred Event


Saturday, April 6

10:00am-12:00 noon


Madison County Health Department

101 E. Edwardsville Road

Wood River, IL


Join AARP and the Madison County TRIAD for a drive through shred event. This is a perfect way to protect your identity and financial security. Limit 3 garbage bags per vehicle.

RSVP: or 1-877-926-8300

Diverse business team applauding during staff meeting
Diverse business team applauding during staff meeting
Getty Images

Financial and Retirement Planning Workshops

Thursday, April 4

12:30-1:30 Financial Basics for 50+

2:00-3:00 10 Retirement Planning Tips


AARP Chicago Office

222 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 710

Chicago, IL 60601


Join AARP as we offer two different workshops back-to-back at today’s session. The first, Financial Basics for 50+, will cover budgeting and goal setting; taking charge of your credit and debt; developing a savings plan; and protecting your assets from fraud. The second workshop, 10 Retirement Planning Tips, will cover ways to save for retirement; things to consider when timing your retirement; and considerations when seeking help from a financial professional. Attend one or both.


RSVP: or 1-877-926-8300

Keyboard with key for Retirement planning
Keyboard with key for Retirement planning
Getty Images/iStockphoto

Financial and Retirement Planning Workshops


Saturday, April 6

10:30-11:30 Financial Basics for 50+

12:00-1:00 10 Retirement Planning Tips


Montague Branch Library

1238 S. Winnebago Street

Rockford, IL 61102

Join AARP as we offer two different workshops back-to-back at today’s session. The first, Financial Basics for 50+, will cover budgeting and goal setting; taking charge of your credit and debt; developing a savings plan; and protecting your assets from fraud. The second workshop, 10 Retirement Planning Tips, will cover ways to save for retirement; things to consider when timing your retirement; and considerations when seeking help from a financial professional. Attend one or both.

RSVP: or 1-877-926-8300

Pink piggy bank wearing glasses
Pink piggy bank wearing glasses. Retirement, wisdom and intelligence savings concept.

Finances 50+

Thursdays, April 11, 18 & 25



AARP Springfield Office

300 West Edwards, 3 rd Floor

Springfield, IL 62704


This 3-part program is simple. Each 2-hour interactive in-person session is designed to help you build habits that can improve your financial situation. The sessions will give you a good handle on where you stand financially plus simple, hands-on ways to make measurable progress toward your financial goals. Some of the valuable information that you will learn includes:

  • Developing a savings plan and protecting your assets
  • Budgeting and Goal setting
  • Taking charge of credit and debt



April 18 or 1-877-926-8300

April 25 or 1-877-926-8300

April 11 or 1-877-926-8300



About AARP Illinois
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.