AARP Eye Center
From Bob Gallo, AARP Illinois State Director, 8/28/2020:
“It is unfortunate but clear that Exelon plans to continue its charade of bullying the General Assembly into their bailout scheme. AARP has been very clear that this cycle needs to end.
In a letter sent to Exelon CEO Christopher Crane earlier this month, AARP Illinois called for an end to this pattern. The days of Exelon writing and passing legislation that results in windfall profits for their stockholders needs to be over in Illinois. The era of Exelon using its nuclear power plants as chips in a high-stakes poker game with the ratepayers of Illinois -- ratepayers who always come out the losers -- needs to end, as well.
We encourage Gov. Pritzker to continue his call to require Exelon to open up their books so that ratepayers can see the truth about nuclear power in Illinois, and we stand committed to working on future legislation that looks out for the needs of ratepayers.”