AARP Eye Center

From Bob Gallo, AARP Illinois State Director:
“The wealthiest people in Illinois are calling for residents to oppose the graduated income tax, while also proposing a tax increase of 20 percent on all Illinoisans.
This is outrageous, and AARP Illinois, on behalf of its 1.7 million members, will not stand for it.
The Civic Committee seems more interested in protecting their riches than moving Illinois a step in the right direction. They don’t want to fairly protect the income of 97 percent of Illinoisans, including lower and middle income families and older adults.
This is not right, and millionaires and billionaires should pay their fair share.
This group is also supportive of adding a tax on retirement, something that AARP Illinois adamantly opposes. Let us be clear: passing the graduated income tax will not add a tax on retirement income.
If members of the Civic Committee are truly interested in helping Illinois on a path to financial stability, perhaps they should commit to paying their fair share rather than asking those less fortunate to take care of it for them.
AARP Illinois is voting YES for the Graduated Tax Amendment.”
Paid for by Yes to a Financially Responsible Illinois