AARP Eye Center

The following statement was issued by AARP Illinois State Director Philippe Largent following the introduction of the FY25 Budget:
On behalf of our 1.7 million members across the state, AARP Illinois applauds the proposed budget for prioritizing Illinois’ seniors at a time when family caregivers are in crisis and older adults continue to grapple with financial insecurity which keeps them from aging comfortably in their homes and community.
We are encouraged to hear the administration’s plan to address barriers and affordability in the health care insurance system. We hear from older adults every day that it is a challenge to get the care they need and welcome solutions.
The decision to permanently repeal the Grocery Tax will have a meaningful impact on older adults’ pocketbooks, at a time when we know the high cost of prescription drugs, utilities and other living expenses are hard enough.
Continued funding for the Community Care Program, which serves an estimated 69,000 senior citizens in Illinois, will ensure that older adults can receive the services they need in their homes to maintain their independence and prevent premature institutionalization.
A $3 million budget increase will mean more than 11 million home-delivered meals will make it to homebound older adults across the state.
AARP Illinois looks forward to working with our leaders in state government to pass these critical measures to make Illinois more affordable for those 50+ and their families, and to support the state’s 1.3 million caregivers who need our help.