AARP Eye Center

Caregiving can be a challenging yet fulfilling and heartfelt part of our lives.
You may have found yourself taking on this role with little to no preparation, or maybe you did not know that you were even acting as a caregiver for your loved one.
AARP Illinois is here to help. We have planned two events especially for caregivers to bring you the tips, support and resources to help with your caregiving journey.
2021 Caminando Juntos Caregiving Conference
Please join AARP Illinois for this virtual conference for caregivers of older adults. The 2021 Caminando Juntos Caregiving Conference is free and will be delivered in Spanish.
The conference will include a self-care workshop for caregivers, information for care planning, and a discussion panel with fellow caregivers who have learned how the navigate some of the complexities of caregiving. The main topics of this year’s conference will be mental health, celebrating life, physical wellness, and virtual art activities.
This engaging conference will be presented by AARP Chicago and community partners: Alivio Medical Center, Arturo Velásquez Institute, Casa Central, Catholic Charities of the Archdioceses of Chicago, La BROCHA, Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center, Sinai Community Institute and MJM Consulting
Event Information:
Date: Saturday, November 13, 2021
Time: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Register today at:
“Moving Caregivers From ‘I Give Up’ to ‘I Got This!” An Inspirational Seminar Just for Caregivers
Connect with AARP Illinois for a free inspirational and educational seminar. This virtual seminar will feature Loretta Loretta Woodward Veney, a motivational speaker, renowned author and trainer. We will share ways to thrive with confidence as a caregiver, followed by a compelling panel discussion and a special performance by the Good Memories Choir!
AARP Illinois has partnered with Age Guide and Alzheimer’s Association to bring you this dynamic event!
Event information
Date: Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Time: 1:00 – 2:30 pm
Register and learn more here: