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Statement by AARP’s John Hishta on Presidential Debate: Silence on Social Security Could Cost Future Retirees Up to $10k a Year


Hempstead, NY — “Americans who are working hard and paying into Social Security were the real losers at tonight’s debate,” AARP Senior Vice President, Campaigns, John Hishta said.

“In this issueless campaign, the debate was the best chance for voters to get real answers on how the presidential candidates would keep Social Security strong for future generations.  If our leaders don’t commit to act, future retirees could lose up to $10,000 per year.

“The failure of Mr. Holt to ask them about it, or for the candidates to address the issue proactively, is deeply troubling. Especially for the 170 million Americans who are paying into Social Security and deserve to know whether the candidates stand before Election Day.  We will now turn our attention to the upcoming debates and urge the moderators to commit to ask and the candidates to commit to act.”

Social Security faces a significant revenue shortfall that, while still a number of years away, would result in a nearly 25 percent, across-the-board benefits cut for all Social Security recipients, if left unaddressed. Despite recent polling in support or more focus on the issue, it has been largely ignored in this election.  A battleground AARP survey of Boomer women found: 71 percent want the next president and congress to address Social Security immediately and more than two-thirds have heard nothing about the candidates’ plans, AARP said.

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