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Do you know ways to help keep your aging loved ones from losing money to scams and fraud? We’ll share important information that could help you keep them safe during our free webinar.
Attend AARP’s free, two-part webinar to find out how.
By Diana Lamirand
Get Your Questions Answered at AARP’s Free Webinar for Family Caregivers
By Diana Lamirand
Join the holiday cheer with AARP Indiana and Joy's House as we host a Holiday Mixer! The event will be taking place on Tuesday, December 11th from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. at the Indianapolis Arts Center.
Lucille Moore of Indianapolis has been selected by AARP Indiana to receive the 2018 AARP Andrus Award for Community Service. This award, which is named after AARP’s founder Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, is AARP’s most prestigious volunteer tribute that recognizes outstanding individuals who are sharing their experience, talents and skills to enrich the lives of others. Moore was presented with the award at AARP Indiana’s annual volunteer celebration in Indianapolis.
AARP Indiana is teaming up with Joy’s House, a nonprofit that provides adult caregiver services, to offer Caregiver Day Away. The event, on Tuesday, Dec. 11, from 6 to 8 p.m., at the Indianapolis Arts Center (820 E. 67th St., Indianapolis, IN), will offer information tables and time to connect with other caregivers.
Get Helpful Guidance at Our Online Q&A Webinar
By Diana Lamirand
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