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AARP AARP States Iowa Press

Medicare, Caregivers Focus of AARP Iowa News Conference Feb. 21

Media Advisory for 8:30 am, Tuesday, Feb. 21 

AARP Iowa kicks off its 2017 Lobby Day and Presidents Day Congressional Recess activities with a gathering of more than 80 AARP volunteers from across Iowa at the State Capitol. Their focus for the day is the need for greater support of Iowa families by passing the CARE Act. During this week’s Congressional President’s Day recess, these advocates are also working to reach out to our Iowa Congressional delegation, asking them to stand up against shifting Medicare to a voucher system.

Kent Sovern, State Director, AARP Iowa
Anthony Carroll, Advocacy Director, AARP Iowa
AARP volunteers and Iowa family caregivers

8:30 – 8:45 a.m., Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Iowa State Capitol, First Floor Rotunda

With potential cuts to Medicare being discussed by Congress, after lobbying on state issues, these AARP Iowa volunteers will be meeting with members of Iowa’s Congressional delegation during Presidents Day recess this week to urge them to oppose any attempts to cut Medicare or eliminate the guaranteed health care coverage that has been part of Medicare from the start. Medicare is the bedrock of health security for all American families. It helps keep older Iowans out of poverty and enables them to live with independence and dignity. More than 540,000 Iowans rely on Medicare now, and more than 625,000 are currently paying into the system. Medicare is not an entitlement – workers have earned their benefits and paid into the system with every paycheck throughout their working lives. See more at

An estimated 317,000 Iowa family caregivers provide more than two-thirds of Iowa’s long-term, home and community based care for older Iowans and adults with disabilities, making it possible for family members and other loved ones to live independently at home, where they want to be. AARP Iowa is advocating that Iowa join 35 other states in passing legislation to help better support the 65% of Iowa family caregivers providing medical care for their loved ones at home, particularly after a hospital stay.

Hishta Statement on Medicare Activities for Presidents Day Recess

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