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Scams & Fraud

AARP Louisiana is offering two sessions at which Bayou Staters can protect themselves from identity theft by shredding up to four boxes of personal documents such as bank statements, canceled checks and receipts.
Holiday shopping season is here, and that presents plenty of opportunities for scammers to spoil your celebrations. They are more than willing to use the joyous mood to get into your wallet. But with a little preparation and vigilance, you can cut down on the threat of becoming a scam victim.
AARP Louisiana State President Bobby Savoie, warns of financial aid and government grant scams that guarantee to award a scholarship if you pay an upfront cost.
AARP Louisiana State President Bobby Savoie, warns of scam that involves receiving text or email messages from someone misrepresenting themselves as your boss and asking you to render them a favor.
Learn about ways to protect yourself and your loved ones at our free, two-part webinar.
Learn about ways to avoid illegal robocalls and phone scams in this free, two-part webinar.
In the era of identity theft, it's more important than ever to be mindful of which documents you throw in the trash.
Every two second’s someone’s identity is stolen. Last year, 16.7 million Americans were victimized by identity fraud. Shredding sensitive documents that you no longer need is one way to protect yourself, and the AARP Fraud Watch Network is here to help you make that happen.
Tax season is a good time to get rid of unwanted documents to keep scammers from stealing your identity and money. AARP Louisiana offers two free shredding events next month.
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