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Meet our volunteers and find opportunities to get involved with our outreach and community service programs.
Five communities across Maryland are getting a boost in their work to become more livable for residents of all ages.
ANNAPOLIS, MD (March 4, 2024)— A red tide of AARP Maryland members will converge on Annapolis this Thursday, March 7, for the organization’s annual lobby day to connect with lawmakers and raise awareness of issues of importance to Marylanders aged 50 and over, including prescription drug affordability, support for family caregivers, long-term care oversight, consumer protections, affordable gas and electric and retiree tax relief.
Are you 50 or older, and eager to meet people and socialize with your peers?
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is providing free in-person and virtual tax assistance and preparation now through April 15 throughout Maryland. The nation’s largest free, volunteer-based tax assistance and preparation program helped secure more than $1.1 billion in refunds for more than 1.5 million taxpayers last year. Tax-Aide is offered in conjunction with the IRS, and AARP membership is not required.
Meet David Conway, our new state president.
Join us in congratulating Jim Campbell for six years of dedicated service to AARP Maryland.
Join AARP Maryland at Frederick Downtown Saturdays Festival this December.
There are many ways to get involved as an AARP Maryland volunteer -- staff tables, organize events, host anti-fraud workshops and greet guests at free movie nights.
Tune into BMore Lifestyle as we share information and tips for enjoying life at every age.
AARP Experience Corps volunteers serve as literacy tutors for at-risk children.
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