From figuring out finances to tips on downsizing, we have valuable information on caregiving. Check out videos from our online series that features commonsense solutions to caregiving issues that will save time and money and help you find support.
Governor Maura Healey (D-Massachusetts) signed legislation to allow registered nurses to practice across state lines. This is legislation AARP has fought for.
November is National Family Caregivers Month, which seeks to shine a bright light on the more than 48 million American heroes, including 780,000 here in Massachusetts, helping care for their loved ones independently at home – where they want to be.
AARP Massachusetts is hosting a four-part online caregiving series on Tuesdays in November. The events are geared toward caregivers but free and open to all.
Are you a caregiver? This is where we can help. Join us for a free webinar where we'll explore how working closely with your family doctor can help make the caregiving journey better for you and your loved ones.