AARP Executive Vice President and Chief Advocacy and Engagement Officer Nancy LeaMond issued the following statement on Friday, February 28, related to comments about changes at the Social Security Administration (SSA):
GRAND RAPIDS – Teachers in Grand Rapids, as well as a number of other communities across the country, gave high marks to reading tutors who provide additional student support in the classroom, according to a survey by AARP Experience Corps.
The Michigan House Committee on Energy & Technology narrowly passed a telecommunications bill Wednesday that will enable phone companies to eliminate landline service with only 90 days' notice starting in 2017.
Senate Bill 636, which would allow phone companies to eliminate landline telephone service with only 90 days’ notice starting in 2017, is a threat to the lives and safety of Michigan residents, according to the law enforcement community and AARP Michigan.
The Michigan Senate voted to pass a bill on Thursday that would allow phone companies to eliminate landline telephone service with only 90 days' notice starting in 2017.
AARP Michigan was surprised and disappointed that the U.S. Bankruptcy Judge said today he will allow pension benefit cuts in Detroit’s bankruptcy proceedings.
Following is testimony from Melissa Seifert, AARP Michigan Associate State Director for Government Affairs, to the Senate Energy & Technology Committee on Senate Bill 636, which would allow phone companies to eliminate landlline phone service with only 90 days' notice starting in 2017: