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Stay informed about Social Security, retirement planning, financial security, consumer protection, careers and more.
What's happening with your stimulus check? How much is being spent to find a vaccine? Will there be more money for small business loans? U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell fields these and other questions during teletown hall hosted by AARP Michigan.
Nearly 17,000 listeners peppered Peters with questions about the CARES Act, including individual stimulus payments, relief for small businesses and non-profits, sick leave, unemployment compensation, SNAP, and other details.
Action is due to concerns about the spread of coronavirus. Decision will be made later about reopening sites during this tax season.
Tax-Aide is the nation's largest free tax preparation and assistance program. In Michigan last year, Tax-Aide helped more than 65,000 taxpayers and returns for those filers was more than $28 million. Help is provided at 150 sites across the state.
Event scheduled for the Lansing Center Monday, Dec. 9 will be rescheduled in early 2020. Return to this space for updates. Sorry about any inconvenience.
AARP is looking for Tax-Aide volunteers to help more than 65,000 Michigan residents prepare and file their taxes in February through April of 2020.
Please register for this free event to let state and federal lawmakers know you want them to take action to reduce the price of prescription drugs now!
AARP is here to help you take on today – and every day. From sharing practical resources, to holding fun activities and events, AARP is providing opportunities to connect and help build an even stronger Detroit, Southeast Michigan, and Michigan for all ages to live, work and play. We hope you’ll join us!
AARP is here to help you take on today – and every day. From sharing practical resources, to holding fun activities and events, AARP is providing opportunities to connect and help build an even stronger Jackson and Michigan for all ages to live, work and play. We hope you’ll join us!
AARP is here to help you take on today – and every day. From sharing practical resources, to holding fun activities and events, AARP is providing opportunities to connect and help build an even stronger Michigan and mid-Michigan area for all ages to live, work and play. We hope you’ll join us!
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