AARP Eye Center

The AARP Missouri sponsored Negro Leagues Baseball Museum (NLBM) virtual tour was a huge success! You can still view it here by going to Bob Kendrick, President of the NLBM, guided virtual attendees through the different exhibits, followed by a live Q&A session. Over 600 people participated live and Mr. Kendrick shared lots of inside stories and interesting facts in the Q & A!
The Negro Leagues Baseball Museum is dedicated to preserving and celebrating the history of African American baseball and its social impact on our nation. Exhibits discuss the progression of African American baseball, beginning with the National Negro League in the 1920s to the American Negro League, which dissolved in the early 1960s when Major League Baseball fully integrated. The museum also honors the Kansas City Monarchs, where Jackie Robinson played for one season.
Don’t miss this opportunity to see where history touches home!

We hope you enjoy this event, and make sure to visit our webpage at for more virtual opportunities in the coming months.