AARP Eye Center

Tips 4 You are brief videos providing you with timely information on topics such as caregiving, fraud and technology brought to you by AARP Missouri volunteers. This program is part of the AARP Missouri series, The Good Life with AARP, providing you with experiences, resources and connections to help you live your best life.
Our latest offerings are listed below. We will be adding more so check back often!
Caregiving Mondays
Tips for Caregivers
Build Your Caregiving Team
October Caregiving Tip
Tech Tip Tuesdays
Using Notes
What Can Siri Do For Me?
Fraud Fighter Fridays
Unwanted Calls
Fight Medicare Fraud
Have a topic idea for this new program? Let us know at
Visit the AARP Missouri YouTube Channel (and subscribe to our channel) to get caught up on all that AARP Missouri has to offer!
Want to know more about The Good Life with AARP? CLICK HERE and find out more!