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Health & Wellbeing

Get updates on the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, health insurance, and your personal health and fitness.
Montanans across Big Sky Country will have opportunity to speak directly with the state’s highest officeholder to get their questions answered during live tele-town hall meeting
Helena, Mont., Jan. 28, 2016 — AARP Montana recently announced that it has donated $5,000 to the K9 Care Montana Wounded Warrior Service Dog Program – a non-profit organization based out of Philipsburg. The K9 Care Program is devoted to providing specially trained dogs, at no cost, to our nation’s Wounded Warriors.
You’ve probably seen the ironic bumper stickers claiming “Dog is My Copilot.” It may be a play on words, but it’s also frequently true, especially during the holiday season. Idahoans all over the state will be making the rural-trek to see family and friends, with their “furry copilot.”
Save the date for these upcoming webinars covering Medicaid expansion in Montana.
Helena, Mont., Nov. 20, 2016 — Today AARP Montana released findings of a statewide survey highlighting Montana family caregiver experiences, challenges and needs. The findings were announced during a legislative field hearing of the Children, Families, Health and Human Services Interim Committee which convened in Billings. The survey recognizes and supports the important role an estimated 118,000 Montanans serve as family caregivers. Their labor of love makes it possible for older parents, spouses and other loved ones to live independently at home.
Helena, MT— In AARP’s latest survey on brain health, it found that although virtually every adult age 40 and over (98%) believes it is important to maintain or improve their brain health, only about half (56%) are doing one of the two most important activities to support their brain health—engaging in exercise and eating a healthy diet. According to a 2011 study by the Mayo Clinic and a 2010 study published in the Nature Reviews Neuroscience Journal, engaging in aerobic exercise regularly and eating a healthy diet are the two most important activities to maintain and improve brain health. To help empower people to maintain and improve their cognitive health, AARP is launching the Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH)—an independent collaborative of scientists, doctors, scholars and policy experts. This collaborative will provide trusted information on what actions people can take to support their brain health through quarterly white papers, scientific reviews and other research.
Montana Family Caregivers Provide $1.4 Billion In Unpaid Care According to AARP Study
In conjunction with the White House’s 2015 Conference on Aging, AARP Montana is hosting a Conference Watch Party and Listening Session in Helena to listen, learn, dialogue, and share what is important for people 50-plus. The 2015 Conference aims to embrace the transformative demographic shift occurring in the United States and recognize the possibilities of aging, and will be live streamed. Helena residents will be able to field questions into the conference through social media. Participants will also discuss and share the needs of people 50-plus in Helena and around Montana.
Do you wish to help improve the lives of Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers? Here's your chance!
“Never Too Old to Play” Day in Butte encourages older Americans to stay engaged, active and involved in their communities.
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