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AARP Oklahoma

All the news that matters for 50+ Oklahomans
Join us at Guthrie Green in Tulsa for 18 sound bath and guided meditation events to nurture your mind and body throughout the year.
The new Caring for Caregivers Eligibility Tool walks family caregivers in Oklahoma through five questions to determine if they qualify for the family caregiver tax credit.
Discover how you can get involved and support AARP Oklahoma advocacy efforts.
The AARP Foundation’s Tax-Aide program is offering free tax preparation services across Oklahoma until April 15, focusing on adults with low to moderate income.
Join AARP Oklahoma, Security National Bank and The Enid News & Eagle for a free drive-thru shredding event from 9 a.m. to noon.
The Senior Planet program provides digital literacy training to older adults and empowers people to embrace opportunities to reshape their lives.
Family caregivers can learn about respite, ways to recharge, stress management and support across the lifespan. The conference is free and open to the public, but registration is required.
AARP Oklahoma and America Walks is hosting a two-day, virtual walkability workshop. Work with your community to gain a better understanding of the walkability challenges near you.
Learn how to spot and avoid scams with three upcoming classes in Oklahoma City.
Seven organizations throughout Oklahoma will receive 2024 Community Challenge grants, part of AARP’s largest investment in communities to date. $3.8 million was awarded to 343 organizations nationwide.
The free expo welcomes thousands of guests each year and features speakers, interactive activities, health screenings, live entertainment, raffles and games. Outside, hundreds of people participate in the drive-thru shred event.
The AARP Fraud Watch Network warns that cryptocurrency scams are on the rise. Learn how to spot the crypto scams so you can stop them.
The free expo welcomes thousands of guests each year and features speakers, interactive activities, health screenings, live entertainment, raffles and games. Outside, hundreds of people participate in the drive-thru shred event.
The combination of yoga and FitLot classes offers a balanced approach to fitness, catering to both flexibility and strength training.
Visit the AARP tent during the block party and play to win a prize on June 13.
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Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.