AARP Oklahoma is seeking nominations for its 17th annual Native American Elder Honors. The event spotlights the contributions of Native American elders to their communities, families, tribal nations and country.
Seven Oklahoma groups received 2024 AARP Community Challenge grants, totaling $66,550, for projects that make neighborhoods more livable for all residents.
To support the state’s estimated 490,000 family caregivers, the nonprofit OKCares, AARP and area providers are hosting the Oklahoma Family Caregiver Conference on Thursday, Nov. 7, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in multiple cities.
The average OG&E residential customer could see their monthly bills increase by $19.02, or nearly 14 percent, if regulators approve a rate change request.
AARP Oklahoma is seeking nominations for its Native American Elder Honors. The event celebrates the contributions of Native American elders who positively impact their communities, families, tribal nations and country.