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AARP AARP States Pennsylvania Advocacy

AARP PA Issues Statement in Response to Release of Governor’s Healthy Pennsylvania Initiative

AARP Pennsylvania Issues Statement in Response to Release of Governor’s Healthy Pennsylvania Initiative

Harrisburg, PA—AARP Pennsylvania State Director Bill Johnston-Walsh issued the following statement following the release of Governor Corbett’s Healthy Pennsylvania initiative:

“We are pleased that Governor Corbett recognizes the need to expand affordable health care coverage for all Pennsylvanians.  We already know that more than 500,000 hard-working Pennsylvanians – including 90,000 residents age 50-64 – face falling into a coverage gap because they aren’t eligible for Medicaid or subsidies through the Pennsylvania health exchange. These men and woman have lost their jobs due to the bad economy, are working in jobs that don’t offer health coverage, or are Veterans. 

We agree with the Governor that Pennsylvania must act now to improve access to health coverage, ensure quality and improve affordability.  At AARP, we have advocated for a stronger Medicaid program by supporting language passed by the state Senate in June and legislation that will be introduced by Senator Pat Vance this fall. We will carefully review the details of the Governor’s plan and will not waver from our commitment to ensuring hard-working Pennsylvanians without insurance receive the health services they need.”

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