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AARP AARP States Pennsylvania Advocacy

AARP PA Partners with Secretary of State for Town Hall

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Screen capture from the virtual AARP PA Town Hall with the Secretary of State.

AARP partnered with the Secretary of the Commonwealth Al Schmidt and Deputy Secretary Jonathan Marks for a live, virtual town hall on March 21.

Secretary Schmidt and Deputy Secretary Marks answered Pennsylvanians’ questions live on 'How, When, and Where' to vote in the upcoming election.

Hosted by AARP PA Volunteer State President Nora Dowd Eisenhower, the 46-minute town hall was listened to by AARP Pennsylvania members on their phones, and was able to be watched live on Facebook.

For those who missed the conversation, you can view it, in full, below:

If you have any more questions about how, when, and where to vote in the upcoming primary election, be sure to check out AARP Pennsylvania’s Voter Election Guide. AARP believes your voice matters, and we're here to ensure it's heard.

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