You don't have to leave Pittsburgh City limits to buy farm-fresh vegetables - or to connect with AARP! AARP will be at your local Citiparks Farmers' Markets once a month.
Stop by to say hello and pick up important information on caregiving, utilities, financial resilience, and more. Visit the AARP tent at the following markets:
Squirrel Hill - 1st Sunday of the month, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Beacon/Barlett parking lot (Beginning Sept 13, this market will end at 12:15 PM)
East Liberty - 2nd Monday of the month, 3:30 - 7:30 PM, Station St. & N. Euclid Ave. parking lot
Beechview - 3rd Thursday of the month, 4:00 - 7:00 PM, Broadway Ave. & Beechview Ave. parking lot
Northside - 4th Friday of the month, 3:30 - 7:30 PM, East Park, East Ohio St. & Cedar Ave.
To find out more about the Citiparks farmers' markets and to check for cancellations, go to their website or call 412-422-6523.