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The source for advocacy, community service and information that helps you live your best life at any age.
On behalf of 50+ Pennsylvanians across the Commonwealth, including the 1.8 million AARP members, I am writing to thank Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick for being part of the fight against age discrimination by co-sponsoring the Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act (POWADA).
More than 80,000 older Pennsylvanians are raising their grandchildren when parents cannot. Pennsylvania allows grandparents and others to petition the court for custody in certain situations.
AARP Pennsylvania will be in the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg at noon on Wednesday, April 10, for a rally to help more older adults receive services they need to remain in their homes and to press for a long-overdue update to the state’s Older Adult Protective Services Act.
The bipartisan measure would help employees battle age discrimination
Tonight, when we tell our grandbabies a bedtime story…don’t tell them a fairy tale. Instead, pass on the stories of real African American heroes…from a man who started a movement with a dream, to a woman who helped put astronauts into space. We celebrate Black History Month by celebrating the real possibilities. Learn more about your dreams and possibilities at
The 2019 Vision Zero Legislative Breakfast was held on January 31 to present state and city legislative opportunities to make Philadelphia streets safer in 2019. Hosted by AARP Pennsylvania, the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, and Families for Safe Streets Greater Philadelphia, the event was well attended by state and city representatives, business leaders and advocates.
Nearly seven million Latinos in the U.S. provide unpaid care to an aging or older loved one. Many Latino family caregivers see caregiving responsibilities simply as something family members do for one another, and do not seek outside help. AARP and the Ad Council offer support with a new PSA campaign , encouraging Latino caregivers nationwide to access free Care Guides, self-care tips, planning resources, legal and financial guidance, and more.
The Pennsylvania House Professional Licensure Committee is currently considering Senate Bill 780, which would offer state residents more options for health care through telemedicine.
Harrisburg, PA –AARP Pennsylvania today applauded an order by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission that will require 17 electric, natural gas, water and wastewater utility companies to return $320 million to consumers due to changes in Federal Tax law that took effect on Jan. 1.
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