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The source for advocacy, community service and information that helps you live your best life at any age.
ICYMI: AARP in Your Community - Philadelphia 2018
Every two seconds someone’s identity is stolen. And it’s not hard to imagine, given all the data breaches in the news lately. Combating fraud is a priority for AARP Pennsylvania and that is why we are launching Operation: Stop Scams.
Warm weather is approaching. At least that’s what we’re hoping! From spring through summer, AARP Pennsylvania is going to have a huge presence at events in Philadelphia and the surrounding counties. Some big events to look out for over the upcoming months are PIFA, the Pride Festival, and ODUNDE. Join us at any of these events in your local community.
Scams in which fraudsters pretend to be employees of the Internal Revenue Service are the most common complaint seniors reported to the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging’s fraud hotline in 2017, according to a report released this week at a hearing. Robocalls and sweepstakes scams were second and third on the list.
As we prepare to mark National Consumer Protection Week from March 4-10, the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General (OAG) and AARP Pennsylvania want to share ways you can protect yourself and your family from scam artists and criminals looking to rip you off.
With Or Without HQ2: Making Your Community More Livable Could Be Growth’s Secret Sauce
The excitement was evident in Philadelphia recently as AARP PA hosted a free screening of the highly anticipated Disney-Marvel film, " Black Panther."
This Black History Month, AARP salutes people who create positive change in their communities and in the world.
The president has signed into law a bill that requires the federal government to develop a strategy to support the 40 million Americans who care for a loved one.
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