Duquesne University’s SBDC is among 17 community-based organizations selected to receive funds to help older adults build the skills to work for themselves
AARP Pennsylvanian has played an active role in promoting livable communities in the western and southeast regions of the Commonwealth. While many communities are at different phases of engagement, the livable communities movement is gaining strength at the county and city-level.
One of the difficulties of discussing, debating, and advocating about issues in Harrisburg is the difficulty of making the concern you’re working on sound new and fresh to policymakers. Long-term care may be the prime example of this – the impact of long-term care on individual Pennsylvania families who are faced with dealing with a loved one in need of long-term care is tremendous, and the impact on the Commonwealth’s budget, and ultimately on the state’s taxpayers, is also large and growing each year.
In true Pennsylvania Dutch fashion, there was a smorgasbord of activity in Harrisburg this week while the legislature was in session and were negotiating the state budget with Governor Wolf. Here is a recap of some notable issues that could impact Pennsylvanians age 50 and older:
The World Health Organization declared June 15 World Elder Abuse Day and government officials in Pennsylvania took time away from the other issues being discussed and debated in the State Capitol during a very busy month to recognize and raise awareness about this important concern.