Every 2 seconds someone's identity is stolen. But you can take steps to protect yourself.
Fight back against fraud! Join us for free shredding events in Pennsylvania.
AARP Pennsylvania is hosting a number of free shredding events where shredding services will be available to securely destroy your documents containing personal and sensitive information. You can also learn how to protect yourself from fraud and scams. Shredding services are free of charge and are open to the public.
See below for a list of locations and details about the free shredding events:
Bethlehem, PA
Saturday, April 22 (10:00 am - 2:00 pm)
Northampton Community College, 3835 Green Pond Road, Bethlehem, PA 18020
Shredding will take place in the large parking lot on the east side of campus.
Please note that there is a limit of three boxes per vehicle; box sizes should not exceed 18"x16"x12".
Philadelphia, PA
Saturday, April 29 (10:00 am - 2:00 pm)
Prince Hall Masonic Lodge of Pennsylvania, 4301 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140
Shredding will take place in the parking lot of the Masonic Lodge.
Please bring items in paper bags; no on-site disposal of plastic containers or cardboard boxes allowed.
Shredding services are free and open to the public. AARP is proud to collaborate with the Philadelphia Sheriff's Office; Philadelphia Controller's Office; Councilwoman Cindy Bass; Council Members At-Large Al Taubenberger, David Oh, and Derek Green; and the Spanish American Law Enforcement Association (SALEA ).
Pittsburgh, PA
Saturday, April 29 (10:00 am - 1:00 pm)
Century III Mall, 3075 Clairton Road, West Mifflin, PA 15123
Shredding will take place in the North parking lot on the lower level.
Please bring items in paper bags; no on-site disposal of plastic containers or cardboard boxes allowed.
Please consider bringing a non-perishable food item to be donated to the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank.
York, PA
Saturday, April 22 (10:00 am - 2:00 pm)
Continental Paper Grading, 3350 Concord Road, York, PA 17402
This event is free and open to the public but you will be asked to register for the event on-site.
Please consider bringing a non-perishable food item to be donated to the York County Food Bank.
National research shows someone’s identity is stolen every two seconds, and in Pennsylvania 14,030 identity theft complaints were filed in 2016 with the Federal Trade Commission.
To avoid having your sensitive information compromised, security experts recommend shredding the following materials:
Old documents: Papers that carry your Social Security number, birth date, signature, account numbers, passwords or PIN numbers.
Banking: Canceled or unused checks. Shred deposit slips and ATM and credit card receipts, once you receive your monthly statements.
Credit Cards: Preapproved credit card applications and incentive/gift checks from credit card companies.
Medical: unneeded medical bills.
Investments: Investment account statements.
Obsolete ID cards: Expired driver’s licenses, medical insurance cards and passports.
And for those consumers who prefer to shred at home, experts recommend using a micro-cut model. Tests have shown that the scraps of paper from a straight or cross-cut shredder can be reassembled by identity thieves. With a micro-cut shredder, the paper is rendered into impossible-to-reassemble debris.
AARP Fraud Watch Network was launched in 2013 as a free resource for people of all ages. The website provides information about fraud and scams, prevention tips from experts, an interactive scam-tracking map, fun educational quizzes, and video presentations featuring Fraud Watch Network Ambassador Frank Abagnale. Users may sign up for “Watchdog Alert” emails that deliver breaking scam information, or call a free helpline at 877-908-3360 to speak with volunteers trained in fraud counseling.