AARP Eye Center
A Message from AARP Pennsylvania State President Joanne Grossi

When I left my federal government job earlier this year, I was asked to join the AARP family as a volunteer. I accepted the appointment of AARP Pennsylvania State President, looking forward to the impact I could make on the 50+ community throughout the Commonwealth.
In my role, I have the privilege of helping to shape AARP’s strategic priorities, build community partnerships with key decision makers and serve as AARP’s spokesperson in Pennsylvania.
What does that mean, exactly?
It means that I’m fighting for you, alongside you and the millions of Pennsylvanians, on issues that matter most.
Issues like healthcare. We will continue to oppose any changes to the national health care law that unfairly penalizes older Pennsylvanians who buy coverage on their own and who cannot afford to pay more; reduces coverage available for people with pre-existing conditions; or makes significant cuts to Medicaid--threatening our most vulnerable citizens.
AARP staff and volunteers are also working on state issues, like the state budget and the impact it will have on older Pennsylvanians. We’ve restored proposed cuts to the Medicaid Waiver programs that help older adults receive the help they need in their homes and communities instead of being forced into a nursing home. And we remain committed to increasing resources for home and community-based programs so older adults can continue living independently, with dignity, at home—where they want to be.
In local communities and neighborhoods, we’re focusing on how to make communities more livable for all as we age. For example, AARP Pennsylvania is working with local leaders to make Philadelphia and Pittsburgh more livable communities for all ages. We’re focusing on how we can improve transportation options, affordable housing, and opportunities for staying connected with our friends, family, neighborhoods, and communities.
While we’ve made headway in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia on livable communities, we’re laying the groundwork in other areas throughout the Commonwealth including York and the Lehigh Valley area.
We’re also working on fraud prevention. Every two seconds, someone’s identity is stolen. Criminals are getting smarter about how to defraud people like you and me, and it’s creating a billion dollar black market industry. AARP’s dedicated staff and volunteers have been educating Pennsylvanians about frauds and scams. More importantly, we’re arming Pennsylvanians with the tools they need to protect themselves and their families.
Speaking of families, AARP is also supporting Pennsylvania’s 1.6 million family caregivers. Thanks to AARP Pennsylvania’s strong support, the CARE Act took effect earlier this year and provides caregivers with some important help as they care for their loved ones. The legislation requires health care facilities to provide instruction on medical tasks that caregivers will have to perform at home, including medication management, wound care, and more.
To make sure you and your family are have important information about this new law available when you need it most, we’ve created simple cards to keep in your wallet. You can get your free wallet card by calling 1-877-333-5885 or download one here.
This issue hits close to home since I am a caregiver for my father. I am thankful that I am able to care for him at home where he can remain independent for as long as possible, and I am thankful to work with AARP Pennsylvania who champions the issues that matter most.
But it’s not always so heavy and serious. We have fun too!
As a volunteer for AARP Pennsylvania, I can tell you that we have a blast at events throughout the year. Some events are large scale like the Philadelphia Flower Show, PrideFests, Music Festivals and the PA Conference for Women, while other events are really neighborhood focused so we can get to know our neighbors.
There are free movie screenings, networking opportunities, and even cocktail receptions! It is wonderful to connect with other volunteers and feel like the work we are doing is serving a greater purpose.
Because ultimately, volunteering with AARP and the mission of the organization is about giving back to the community. It’s about the greater good and it’s about improving the quality of life for all as we age.
To learn more about AARP Pennsylvania and to stay up-to-date, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.