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AARP AARP States Pennsylvania Advocacy

Ray's Round Up: Stirrings in the Halls of the Capitol

Ray Round Up Image with Attribution

State Budget Movement?

Last week saw the first indications that there may be a light at the end of the tunnel in getting a state budget passed.  The Governor’s office and State Legislative Leaders said a budget “framework” has been mapped out that would be the basis of further negotiations.


It appears the “framework” has a number of main components:

  1. Increased education spending and property tax relief paid for by an increase in the state sales tax.
  2. Changes in the pension system for newly hired state workers and teachers.


There are many more details to be worked out and it is likely there will be significant opposition to the proposal from many sides.

At the same time the urgency to come to a budget resolution continues to grow, as more and more providers reach the end of their reserve funds and lines of credit.  Many agencies that provide services to Pennsylvanians in need have begun to lay off employees and cut back on those services, with dire warnings that the situation will reach crisis levels by December 1.

This week will be a key week to decide if a budget agreement is achievable in the near term.  Many Pennsylvania service providers will be anxiously watching the debates and discussions.


Committee to Consider CARE Act

Meanwhile, General Assembly Committees will be meeting to consider a key bill, the CARE Act (HB 1329). The Senate Aging and Youth Committee will meet on Tuesday, November 17 th to consider the CARE Act.  The CARE Act would help family caregivers get the information and assistance they need to help their loved ones after a discharge from the hospital.  The legislation has already passed the House of Representatives and is strongly supported by AARP and the Pennsylvania Hospital Association.  AARP is hopeful the bill will be passed by the full Senate and signed by the Governor by the end of the year.


“Ray’s Round Up” features updates on current state and federal issues by Ray Landis, AARP PA’s Advocacy Manager.

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