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There are different ways to achieve financial freedom, like reducing debt, increasing savings, and planning for retirement. AARP is working to ensure you have the resources and tools you need to take charge of your future.
Have you ever considered turning your interests, hobbies or skills into a small business? Whether you are ready to start your small business or want to wait until after retirement, now is the time to explore the possibilities.
Have you ever considered turning your interests, hobbies or skills into a small business? Whether you are ready to start your small business or want to wait until after retirement, now is the time to explore the possibilities.
AARP released results of a new survey to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of Social Security on August 14. Americans of all ages continue to have strong feelings of support for Social Security, and the survey found several key themes. According to the national survey of adults, Social Security remains a core part of retirement security, and remains popular across generations and political ideologies. Americans want to live independently, but face challenges around saving for retirement that underscore the importance of Social Security for future generations of beneficiaries.
Pennsylvania Volunteers Head to Washington to Push for Better Retirement Investment Advice Standard
Local companies top the list of the recipients of the 2013 AARP Best Employers for Workers Over 50 award, cosponsored by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). The 50 winners were announced on June 17, 2013, at the SHRM annual conference in Chicago.
AARP, FINRA, Investor Education Foundation, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General, and other advocacy and enforcement agencies recently joined forces in Philadelphia to encourage seniors to be on the guard against fraud and scams.
According to the Southeastern Pennsylvania Household Health Survey, there are nearly 122,000 households in Southeastern Pennsylvania that must reduce the size of meals or skip meals entirely, because they cannot afford to purchase adequate amounts of food. These statistics, among others, serve as a platform for AARP - in partnership with the AARP Foundation - to award several micro-grants to Philadelphia based community organizations aiding the costs of serving the vulnerable 50+ in the fight against hunger.
Pennsylvania should follow the lead of more than 40 states which have addressed pension funding problems by modifying defined benefit programs and not engaging in wholesale changes to retirement programs for state workers and teachers, according to a panel of state and national pension security advocates briefing lawmakers and reporters at the state capitol today.
Pennsylvania Voters 50+ Oppose the Chained CPI, Believe Social Security Should Not Be Cut to Reduce the Deficit
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