AARP Eye Center

Longwood Gardens will be in full bloom in May when AARP Pennsylvania hosts a free virtual tour of the Philadelphia-area treasure.
“It’s a spectacular time of year,” says Timothy Gould, Longwood’s director of continuing education. “Lots of small flowering trees, annual flowers and native plants will all be in bloom.”

Participants in the hour-long event will learn the history of the gardens, which started as a Quaker farmstead of about 200 acres. There will be an opportunity to ask questions of Longwood staff members.
“It’s a little of something for everyone,” Gould says. “We’re going to be touching on some of the horticultural work that goes on, but also just the beauty of the gardens. It’s perfect for people who are working in their gardens to get inspired.”
The online event, “Longwood Gardens: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” will take place on Wednesday, May 24, at 5 p.m. It is open to the public, but registration is required. You will need to sign in to your -account or create one to register. You will receive a link via email to join the tour on Zoom.
For more information, go to or email
—Hilary Appelman