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That's right we are ready for winter to move on!
South Carolina residents will see higher than utility bills this month due to this "unseasonable" cold. Paying your utility bill in winter months can take a toll on a family budget. Most South Carolina utilities offer a "balanced budget" payment option where they average a 12-month cycle of your usage. For the time period, usually a year, you pay the same amount each month regardless of what you actually use. We've compiled a list of utilities and co-ops in South Carolina that offer this type of billing program. There are certain restrictions depending on the provider, but it is a great option to check into to avoid the sticker shock from opening a winter power bill.
Aiken Electric Cooperative Levelized Billing
Black River Electric Cooperative Budget Billing
Broad River Electric Cooperative Levelized Billing
Coastal Electric Cooperative Levelized Billing
Fairfield Electric Cooperative Levelized Billing
Lynches River Electric Cooperative Levelized Billing
Marlboro Electric Cooperative Budget Billing
Mid-Carolina Cooperative
Palmetto Electric Cooperative Levelized Billing
Santee Electric Cooperative Budget Billing
Tri-County Electric Cooperative Average Billing
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