AARP Eye Center

South Carolinian's can’t afford another SCE&G rate hike. Forcing current consumers to pay for future power plants is simply unjustified. Since January 2009, SCE&G residential rates have increased more than 27%. This includes general rate hikes, revised rate schedules, and changes in rates due to fuel costs.
The Numbers
Here’s the math. Before SCE&G began the projects at the V.C. Summer plant, a customer who used an average of 1000 KWH paid $114.20 a month for their utility service. Today, that same customer will pay $145.87 for the same service. That is an increase of $31.67 or almost $400 a year.
And this could be just the beginning as this project drags on and on. The proposed 2.8% rate hike request if approved by the Public Service Commission will add almost $4 to your monthly bill to pay for construction. The bottom line - your monthly bill will have jumped 31% in six short years.
South Carolina families haven’t seen that type of return in their savings and investments. For seniors living on fixed incomes, they haven’t received larger than normal cost of living increases.
And to make matters worse, SCE&G will go before the Public Service Commission on July 21 to ask for additional changes (2015-103-E) that could result in even more rate increases. The Public Service Commission has the ability to help. Join us in telling them to stop these unreasonable utility rate hikes.
How to Get Involved
You can file a complaint. Use this link to the SC Public Service Commission to file your complaint. Reference docket 2015-103-E. You may also mail a your letter of protest:
Public Service Commission of South Carolina
Docket Number 2015-103-E
101 Executive Center Dr.
Suite 100
Columbia, SC 29210
Attend a Hearing
Two public hearings will be held on Tuesday, July 21, 2015. The first at 10:30 a.m. and the second at 6:00 p.m. at the Public Service Commission of South Carolina, 101 Executive Center Dr., Suite 100, Columbia, S.C. 29212. For directions, click here. AARP South Carolina, in its letter to the PSC, also requested that a second public hearing be held in this matter at a date to be announced if granted.
Share Your Opinion
Write a Letter to the Editor of your local paper. For your convenience, we have posted links to several newspapers.
Post and Courier
The State
Orangeburg Times-Democrat
Aiken Standard
Island Packet
Beaufort Gazette
Bluffton Today
Also editorials from the Post and Courier on the issue:
Big Utility Rate Hikes Need Scrutiny
Give Public Access to Rate Hike Data
For more information email AARP SC.