AARP Eye Center

Right now, in the middle of a global health crisis, Dominion Energy South Carolina wants to raise your rates by more than 7 percent. They also want to increase the monthly fixed charge (a charge to bring the power from the pole to your home) you pay before even turning on the lights. AARP is fighting for residential utility customers because too many South Carolina families struggle to pay their electric bills along with other necessities like food and medicine.
We strongly urge Dominion Energy South Carolina electric ratepayers to petition the South Carolina Public Service Commission to reject this rate hike.
AARP South Carolina also encourages you to speak out against this rate hike (safely from your own home) at one of three virtual public hearings held by the South Carolina Public Service Commission.
Testimony will only be accepted during one of the virtual public hearings beginning at 6 p.m. on the following nights:
Monday, Nov. 9, 2020
Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2020
Thursday, Nov. 12, 2020
If you wish to testify via audio only during a virtual public night hearing, you must register in advance. To register, please call 803‐896‐5133 and leave your name, physical address, telephone (preferably cell) number and which date you wish to testify. Remember you must register to testify by calling 803-896-5133 by Monday, Nov. 9, 2020 at 3 p.m. You will receive an email from the SC PSC with instructions.
If you wish to participate by video conference, you must have a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam or camera. Tablets and mobile phones are not supported and cannot be used.
Please note the following call in options:
Testifiers/public witnesses (audio & video): (877) 236‐8674
Non‐witnesses (listen‐only): (800) 786‐6104
Livestream (watch and listen‐only):‐service‐commission