The calendar has turned to March, which means basketball, the return of Daylight Savings Time (reminder: turn your clocks ahead an hour this weekend!) and the end of the 100th Legislative Session.
Nearly 20 percent of South Dakotans age 45 and over are currently providing unpaid care to an adult relative or friend. Many of them are juggling those caregiving duties with full- or part-time jobs.
In the early 1900s, the Greenwood neighborhood of Tulsa, Oklahoma, now called "Black Wall Street," was a vibrant and prosperous community. Despite the challenges and racial injustices they faced, residents of this community built a thriving neighborhood filled with successful Black-owned businesses, attorneys, doctors, and real estate agents. Their achievements were nothing short of remarkable and served as a beacon of hope for Black Americans nationwide.
Check out AARP South Dakota’s new Instagram account——for the latest ways its staff and dedicated volunteers are working to improve the lives of all South Dakotans.
Embrace the outdoors and an active lifestyle by joining the third annual 605K Challenge—named for the state’s lone area code and for the approximate distance across the state in kilometers from east to west.