Nearly 20 percent of South Dakotans age 45 and over are currently providing unpaid care to an adult relative or friend. Many of them are juggling those caregiving duties with full- or part-time jobs.
Are you a caregiver? This is where we can help. Join us for a free webinar where we'll explore how working closely with your family doctor can help make the caregiving journey better for you and your loved ones.
For the first time since AARP began publishing the Scorecard in 2011, more than half of Medicaid long-term care dollars nationwide for older adults and people with physical disabilities went to home- and community-based services instead of nursing homes and other institutions.
AARP’s new Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Scorecard finds that care provided in the United States for older adults and people with disabilities is inadequate. The report finds major gaps in every state, such as the cost of home care, the long-term care workforce and support for family caregivers.
Family caregivers can sign up for phone or text support by calling the South Dakota 211 Helpline Center. The caregiver support program, which AARP South Dakota helped to pilot two years ago, is free and available on an ongoing basis.
AARP and South Dakota’s Helpline Center are testing a service that allows family caregivers to sign up for phone or text support from trained staff. Now in its second year, the pilot program will continue to accept new participants.