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Stay up-to-date on federal and state legislative activities. Learn how AARP is fighting for you in Washington D.C. and right here at home.
AARP South Dakota needs volunteers to engage with lawmakers on issues important to older adults.
State lawmakers return to Pierre in January, and AARP South Dakota will be advocating for increased resources for the state’s 80,000 family caregivers.
AARP South Dakota recently received the Lyn Bodiford Award for Excellence in Advocacy for the team’s efforts to pass Medicaid expansion at the ballot box last November.
With the arrival of July, as many as 52,000 South Dakotans may now be able to access health care coverage thanks to the implementation of Medicaid expansion, which was overwhelmingly passed by South Dakota voters last November.
We have all the information you need to know about our advocacy efforts and how you can get involved.
Update from the 2023 South Dakota Legislative Session
Week 8 Legislative Update
Week 7 update from the SD Legislative Session
Week 6 Legislative Update
Weekly Update from the SD Legislature
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