There are two weeks left in the 2025 South Dakota legislative session, and AARP South Dakota’s work is not done! This weekly recap starts by celebrating a victory and extending a heartfelt THANK YOU to all of our advocates!
AARP believes building community is about building connections. That's why we are working across the state to generate more opportunities for our members to connect with resources and fun near them, and to meet new people who share their passions and values. More than just the national member benefits and discounts, we have local partnerships that can help you live a healthier life, try new things and experience more of what our state has to offer - without spending more than you have to! If you aren't taking advantage of the art, music and culture of your community - then you don't know 'aarp'! Get to know us:
The cold of winter has arrived which means that Pierre is a hot bed of activity as the 2018 South Dakota legislative session has begun. Once again, AARP South Dakota's presence in Pierre is felt as we working diligently on your behalf.
AARP South Dakota advocates will hit the ground running Jan. 9, when the legislature convenes for a session that lasts only eight weeks. AARP staff and volunteers will be in Pierre throughout the session, holding lawmakers accountable on issues that affect constituents age 50-plus.
Massive data breaches, a major Medicare card scam, new forms of phishing: there were lots of big scam stories from this past year, but also, hope for some scam victims. Take a look back with us:
December is a critical month for charities to raise money. In fact, nearly one third of annual giving occurs in December. Scammers are well aware of this and are out in full force looking to line their own pockets as the year draws to an end. South Dakota Attorney General, Marty Jackley "encourages South Dakotans to continue to give to those less fortunate, but to follow these precautions to ensure [the] donation is going to the cause for which it is intended."
As we enter the holiday season, it pays to be vigilant to avoid scams or slip-ups that could put a damper on your celebrations. Here are some ways to keep your holidays happy.
An 84-year-old widow called the AARP Fraud Watch Network after accepting a free trial offer for a skin cream she had seen a famous personality touting on television. She had no idea she needed to cancel after receiving the free trial. She was sent more product at a cost of $200 and is now fighting to return the product and get her money back.