AARP Eye Center

Proposition 3 was voted into law by Utahns last November, and will expand Medicaid coverage to 150,000 of our friends and neighbors, many of whom had no access to affordable healthcare coverage. But now this victory is in imminent danger of being repealed and replaced by the Utah legislature, which convenes next week.
Proposition 3 was crafted and vetted by policy experts after years of attempts to have Medicaid expanded by the state legislature, and will bring $800,000 million of federal taxpayer money back into Utah, create 14,000 new jobs, and bring billions into our economy.
Close to 200,000 Utahns signed petitions to have it on the ballot, and because of the hard work of many of you, it passed by a significant margin, yet the legislature is considering repealing it and replacing it with a measure that is much more limited, places barriers and caps on enrollment, and will likely not meet the April 1 effective date of the expansion approved by voters.
What can you do about it? Here are two essential actions: 1. Come to the Utah State Capitol Rotunda on Monday, January 28th at 3:30 pm to Rally Against Repeal. By joining us on Monday, we will show our united opposition to repeal the proposition, which will endanger access to healthcare for thousands of Utahns. You can find more information about the rally here and we hope you will share it with your friends and family. 2. Send a message to the Governor and your elected officials now. Tell them that you support Proposition 3 and you hope they will respect the decisions made by voters last November.
AARP Utah is commited to protecting the voices of Utah voters. We hope you will stand with us to show our elected officials that our votes matter and should be respected.
Danny Harris
AARP Utah, Advocacy Director