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Scams & Fraud

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Weak passwords are one of the biggest cybersecurity risks today.In fact, a recent AARP report revealed that 65% of Americans do not use distinctly different passwords on all their accounts. That means when one account is compromised, others are at risk.
Scams are epidemic these days as criminals use every conceivable avenue to separate consumers from their cash. It makes sense that they frequently pretend to be big companies or institutions affiliated with millions of people (potential victims, in their minds).
Fraud cost veterans, service members, and their families $477 million in 2023, according to the latest Federal Trade Commission (FTC) data, and this only includes fraud that was reported. With over 85% of veterans having encountered service-related scams in the last 12 months, now is a great time to review some of the most prevalent scams targeting current and former service members.
In 2023, post-disaster fraud cost Americans over $9.3 billion, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB). With hurricane and wildfire season in full swing, it’s important to remind ourselves that when the clouds roll out and the smoke clears, criminal scammers tend to move in.
Olympic athletes aren't the only ones after gold this summer. Criminal scammers are increasingly trying to steal your savings through gold bar schemes.
Ensuring the safety of Utah residents is one of our top priorities at AARP Utah.
Con un mercado inmobiliario tan apretado como el actual, a menudo existe la presión de actuar rápidamente cuando se encuentra el lugar perfecto. Los estafadores lo saben y están al acecho. Aquí hay tres cosas que debe tener en cuenta al comprar una casa.
With today’s tight real estate market there is often pressure to act quickly when you find that perfect place. Scammers know this and are waiting to pounce. Here are three things to be aware of when shopping for a home.
A los delincuentes les encanta hacerse pasar por grandes empresas y cuanto más grandes, mejor. Uno de los principales objetivos de los estafadores el año pasado fue Amazon. Según la Comisión Federal de Comercio, el año pasado se presentaron 44,000 denuncias sobre estafadores que utilizaban el nombre de Amazon, y se reportaron pérdidas por $19 millones. Estas son dos de las últimas versiones de una estafa de impostores de Amazon a las que hay que estar atento.
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