Yesterday the Senate's Health and Human Services committee voted to proceed with Senator Christensen's bill that would repeal Proposition 3's Medicaid expansion.
It could be debated and voted on the Senate floor as early as TODAY, Wednesday the 30th.
Please contact your senators RIGHT AWAY and express your opposition to SB 96 and any attempts to repeal Proposition 3. They are all listed below with the percentage of their district that voted YES.
Luz Escamilla (D, SD 1) - 64.5% yes
801-550-6434 | lescamilla@le.utah.gov
Derek Kitchen (D, SD 2) - 80.8% yes
801-674-6141 | dkitchen@le.utah.gov
Gene Davis (D, SD 3) - 72.2% yes
801-647-8924 | gdavis@le.utah.gov
Jani Iwamoto (D, SD 4) - 69.2% yes
801-580-8414 | jiwamoto@le.utah.gov
Karen Mayne (D, SD 5) - 61.8% yes
801-232-6648 | kmayne@le.utah.gov
Wayne Harper (R, SD 6) - 55.5% yes
801-566-5466 | wharper@le.utah.gov
Deidre Henderson (R, SD 7) - 42.4% yes
801-538-1035 | dhenderson@le.utah.gov
Kathleen Riebe (D, SD 8) - 64.5% yes
385-222-1742 | kriebe@le.utah.gov
Kirk Cullimore (R, SD 9) - 57.3% yes
801-571-6611| kcullimore@le.utah.gov
Lincoln Fillmore (R, SD 10) - 48.5% yes
385-831-8902 | lfillmore@le.utah.gov
Dan McCay (R, SD 11) - 46.2% yes
801-810-4110| dmccay@le.utah.gov
Daniel Thatcher (R, SD 12) - 54.6% yes
801-759-4746 | dthatcher@le.utah.gov
Jacob Anderegg (R, SD 13) - 39.8% yes
801-901-3580 | janderegg@le.utah.gov
Daniel Hemmert (R, SD 14) - 42.1% yes
801-380-8262 | dhemmert@le.utah.gov
Keith Grover (R, SD 15) - 49.2% yes
801-319-0170 | keithgrover@le.utah.gov
Curtis Bramble (R, SD 16) - 50.6% yes
801-361-5802| cbramble@le.utah.gov
Scott Sandall (R, SD 17) - 43.2% yes
435-279-7551| ssandall@le.utah.gov
Ann Millner (R, SD 18) - 54.3% yes
801-900-3897 | amillner@le.utah.gov
Allen Christensen (R, SD 19) - 54.1% yes
801-782-5600 | achristensen@le.utah.gov
David Buxton (R, SD 20) - 46.8% yes
801-707-7095 | gbuxton@le.utah.gov
Jerry Stevenson (R, SD 21) - 48.5% yes
801-678-3147 | jwstevenson@le.utah.gov
Stuart Adams (R, SD 22) - 50.6% yes
801-593-1776 | jsadams@le.utah.gov
Todd Weiler (R, SD 23) - 56.7% yes
801-599-9823 | tweiler@le.utah.gov
Ralph Okerlund (R, SD 24) - 43.8% yes
435-979-7077 | rokerlund@le.utah.gov
Lyle Hillyard (R, SD 25) - 51.5% yes
435-753-0043 | lhillyard@le.utah.gov
Ronald Winterton (R, SD 26) - 51.4%
435-722-2729 | rwinterton@le.utah.gov
David Hinkins, (R, SD 27) - 51% yes
435-384-5550 | dhinkins@le.utah.gov
Evan Vickers (R, SD 28) - 44.2% yes
435-817-5565 | evickers@le.utah.gov
Don Ipson (R, SD 29) - 45.7% yes
435-817-5281 | dipson@le.utah.gov
You can find out who your specific legislators are by entering your address on www.le.utah.gov
Here are some talking points that you might find useful in these conversations:
Utah Decided Arguments for Advocates
More than anything, we must be clear that any changes are unacceptable.
They can attempt to cushion the language and muddy the waters- but SB 96 -- even WITH the substitution yesterday is a repeal bill. We cannot roll the dice with a federal waiver. We should not agree to pay 3-times more while we have the 90% federal match rate available already under Prop 3. We must stand firm against anything except Proposition 3's full, immediate Medicaid expansion. The so-called "bridge" plan is not the solution. Voters already passed a superior law. There is no need to rush into a repeal bill. If legislators want to discuss long-term sustainability and cost then we can do that, without resorting to caps and waivers and undoing the will of the people. | |