WASHINGTON, DC—AARP today sent a letter to the U.S. Senate expressing concerns about tens of billions of dollars in potential cuts to Medicare next year alone, as well as potential tax increases or little or no tax relief for older Americans. The full text of the letter to the Senate is below:
AARP Vermont partnered with Smart Growth America on Nov. 6 to host a Vermont-specific webinar on implementing complete streets principles in rural and small towns across the state. Attendees and officials from towns and villages across Vermont participated.
In case you haven’t noticed, the holiday season arrived early this year (right after Labor Day) and once again the Grinch in the form of a con-artist is working hard to ruin your celebrations. In this two-part series, we’ll look at a number of ways criminals are working to separate you from your money.
In cooperation with the state Office of Attorney General and Department of Public Safety, AARP Vermont is spreading the word about VT Scam Alert, a new component of VT-Alert, the state’s emergency notification system.
Enjoy a free cup of coffee and get the latest scoop on what’s happening with transportation in Chittenden County, an important issue facing older Vermonters. Neighborhood Rides will be sharing information about their new program. Learn more about public transit, ways you can volunteer and get involved in transit planning.
The state’s population is aging, and AARP Vermont wants to help communities plan for that change. AARP is working with policymakers, developers and business people on smart approaches to housing, transportation and infrastructure improvements.
More than 100,000 Vermonters whose employers do not offer a retirement plan will be able to save for their future under the Green Mountain Secure Retirement Plan, which will start operating by January 2019.