Complete Streets are streets designed for all modes of transportation, allowing people of all ages and abilities to walk, bike, use public transit and drive. It is an approach to planning, designing, building, operating, and maintaining streets that enables safe access for all people who need to use them, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders (Smart Growth America).
AARP Vermont has awarded $10,000 in Community Action grants to seven local organizations for their efforts to improve the livability of their communities for residents of all ages.
AARP has awarded Community Challenge grants totaling nearly $45,000 to five Vermont organizations, as part of a national program to promote livability.
Burlington voters participated in a discussion between the candidates for city council about the future of transportation, housing, job growth, and mobility at a candidate forum on Feb. 20. Voters learned more about how the next City Council will make Burlington a more livable city for people of all ages. Following is a video of the event provided by CCTV of Burlington. The event was sponsored by AARP VT and BBA.