AARP Washington State Podcast: The Good News About Aging with Stanford Professor Dr. Laura Carstensen
Are older people happier? Can the last third of our lives be our best years, both for ourselves and for contribution to society? Dr. Laura Carstensen says yes!
Dr. Carstensen is the founding director of the Stanford Center on Longevity at Stanford University. She maintains that the doubling of our lifespans over the past century could be the greatest cultural achievement in human history. But we've got to take advantage of it. Hear Dr. Carstensen's thoughts on how to be happy and productive in old age in this interview with AARP's Doug Shadel. We also talk about what older people have to contribute to society for all ages and how our ever-increasing lifespans are an opportunity we've never had before. Listen to this episode for the good news about aging!
Learn more about Dr. Carstensen and the Stanford University Center for Longevity at
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You can also watch the interview with Dr. Carstensen by AARP's Doug Shadel on YouTube: