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Scams & Fraud

AARP is committed to keeping your finances safe from fraud this tax season. Before filing your tax returns, take a look at some tips and tricks to avoid scammers and keep your personal information protected:
AARP is committed to keeping your heart (and your finances!) safe from scammers this February. Read on for tips about how to protect yourself from romance scams.
In the face of financial scams related to the coronavirus outbreak, AARP Washington is collaborating with state and federal experts to provide information and resources that help older Washingtonians spot and stop a scam.
Deep within the Internet is the Dark Web, a space where criminals can anonymously buy and sell illegal goods and private information. It’s where identity thieves can easily and cheaply purchase our personal and financial information. Unfortunately, due to today’s seemingly endless number of data breaches, experts say very few of us haven’t been exposed. But there are things you can do to protect yourself and the people you care about.
Deep within the Internet is the Dark Web, a space where criminals can anonymously buy and sell illegal goods and private information. Known as the “Original Internet Godfather,” Brett Johnson created one of the dark web’s first online stores where criminals bought stolen credit cards, Social Security numbers, drugs and guns. After serving seven years in prison, Brett turned his back on criminal enterprise and became a consultant for the Secret Service and the cybersecurity industry.
Learn about ways to protect yourself and your loved ones at our free, two-part webinar.
Learn about ways to avoid illegal robocalls and phone scams in this free, two-part webinar.
In 2017, 16.7 million Americans were the victims of identity theft- that is an 8% increase since 2016. That is why AARP and BECU invite you to bring old documents containing your personal information to our mobile shredding trucks for free disposal.
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